* Caleb Morgan's soon to be published Art Book " The Liquid Mind " will be available for purchase spring 2016.  " The Liquid Mind" will be a hard bound coffee table book of more than 100 pages of Caleb Morgan's fine artwork images and art theory.
* Caleb Morgan published in the book "Tattoo Dynamite"
Caleb has just had some of his tattoo work published in the newly released book "Tattoo Dynamite, the Worlds Greatest Tattoos by the Worlds Greatest Tattoo Artists".  This Book is published by Skin Deep magazine and Jazz publishing, and is currently available at Borders, Barnes and Noble, and online at Amazon.com and many other venues.    

* Caleb Morgan in " Skin Shots International " tattoo magazine
Caleb Morgan has two tattoos just published in the May 2011 issue of "Skin Shots International " tattoo magazine